Wednesday, June 10, 2009

New Liverpool 09/10 Away Shirt

"Loyal and True Reds.Please stand for the brand new Liverpool's Away shirt. Introduced by the 12th men and model by Steven Gerrard Gerrard. He can passed the ball 40 yards". Love this ad by Liverpool Adidas. I hope Carlsberg release a new ad to challenge her rival ad. That advertisement is funny.Nope! this advertisement is funny but the other advertisement is hilarious!


  1. Tu yg susah jadi fans Liverpool ni. Carlsberg tetap di situ selagi diorang yg jd tulang belakang kewangan club..

  2. We support the club. Manusia yang suka buat perkara mudah menjadi susah. Sesungguhnya kita berdoa agar ditunjuk kepada jalan yang benar.



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