Thursday, January 29, 2009

Aquarius Personality: January 20 - February 18

Aquarius is the eleventh sign of the astrological year and is known by its astrological symbol, the Water Bearer. Aquarius individuals are intelligent, progressive and independent. With Uranus as the ruling planet, people born under this sign are free-thinking and unconventional. They will fight avidly for the rights of others.

Below you’ll find general characteristics for the Aquarius man, woman, child, lover, and friend. At the bottom of this page, you’ll find links to articles with detailed personality profiles for every day that falls under the Aquarius sign. Read on to see if the characteristics ring true for you or the Water Bearer in your life.

The Aquarius Man
Aquarian men may seem distant and unapproachable or warm and welcoming. They have charisma and can draw people to them. Despite their intelligence and creativity, they are not difficult to know. Though dedicated to making their personal lives a success, they are usually focused on something greater. They care about a number of issues -- politics, the environment, the economy -- and believe they can make a difference.

The Aquarius Woman
An Aquarius woman is unusual, startling, even unclassifiable. The typical Aquarian woman is atypical, unique. She wants to experience as much as possible and is not afraid of consequences. Every experience is valuable if it shows something about herself and the world. Intelligent and talented, she would rather be judged for her abilities than her glamour and sex appeal.

The Aquarius Child
There is nothing conventional about the Aquarian child. This youngster enjoys going his or her own way and is apt to rebel for seemingly no reason. Although likely to be intelligent -- even brilliant -- he or she does not fit a prescribed image. Their curiosity is stronger than any other characteristic. The Aquarian child needs parents who encourage his or her need to be different.

The Aquarius Lover
The Aquarius lover is full of surprises. They simply cannot be happy or fulfilled unless they are free to do as they like. No matter how deeply in love an Aquarius man or woman may be, they are never willing to sacrifice their autonomy. This has doubtless ended many a love affair or marriage, but they always put honesty ahead of romance.

The Aquarius Friend
Aquarians tend to collect friends the way some people put together an eclectic art collection. Unfortunately, the typical Aquarian may have so many friends that it is impossible to have an intimate personal relationship with any. Some Aquarians may use this as a way to maintain emotional distance.

January 29 Birthday Astrology
Aquarians born on January 29 are not content to watch the parade go by -- they are spurred on by a powerful sense of mission. They may appear somewhat prickly, but they are actually gentle and philosophical in nature despite their strong political beliefs. They will put their reputation on the line to bring about necessary change
Friends and Lovers Friends, of whom January 29 people have many, help define their lives. They have a talent for inspiring and influencing others. They suffer their share of romantic heartaches and are often afraid of commitment because it represents loss of independence. They are capable of profound, spiritual love yet can't get past the need to hold back something of themselves. Children and FamilyWhatever the drawbacks of their upbringing, January 29 men and women can find strength by transcending the challenges life sends their way. They have all the best traits for parenthood: intelligence, spirituality, humor, and patience. They take this role seriously, perhaps more than any other in their lives. Health Once men and women born on January 29 understand the value of fitness, they are likely to be lifelong converts. Like many Aquarians, they generally keep up a hectic pace yet may be unwilling to commit to anything more than the occasional trot around the block. Career and Finances There are no better teachers than the men and women born on January 29. They love learning and have an affinity for inspiring others to love it. They may change career plans several times. Although they are unconventional in their thinking, they have a healthy respect for money. Dreams and Goals January 29 men and women want to help others see the power and beauty of life through personal accountability and wise choices. They love and respect knowledge and wish to share it with others. They want to know themselves and understand their motivations. They have the courage and integrity to ask

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