Monday, March 30, 2009

Twitter Interface

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

LFCTV is using Twitter

Hey there! LFCTV is using Twitter.
Twitter is a free service that lets you keep in touch with people through the exchange of quick, frequent answers to one simple question: What are you doing? Join today to start receiving LFCTV's updates.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Best Day Ever

When is the best day ever for you?Is it your wedding day?Is it your first newborn?Or is it the first kissed ;-)?Is it the first time you have a steady? Is it your first house or car? All of these can be the Best Day Ever. I hope more events in my lifeand your life too will be ever changing, amin. This song was introduced to me by my daughter Qurratu'Aini. She googled it herself hmmmm kids these days. Parents need to be computer savvy to keep up with them. Having a blog is good but I worried the day, they have facebook, friendster etc.
Sometimes having the best day can be a simple affair at home with your spouse and your children screaming, playing, quarelling, fighting, squabbling, laughing :-) You must be kidding me but that is a reality. Knowing everybody happy, healthy together.Enough of chit chat wishes everybody best days ahead....Assalammualaikum.


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