I have just received an email regarding the above. Wow the Sun will rise continuously for 36hrs(1.5 days). Just for the moment I felt so excited. I checked the date 17th Oct 2008...yes it is today! Hmmm to witness a new phenomenon or an event that occurs in 100 yrs is cool. Human mind will always probe for an answer therefore I read the passage again. "continuously for
36hrs" hmmm that is so impossible."US will be dark for 1.5 days" what happens to the other side of the world Europe and Asia? Will Asia have longer days where the sun will brighten the day till 10pm hmmm it sound great. I experienced that moment when I was vacationing in England during july.From 5am till 10pm that is only 18hrs still beyond 36hrs. What next, google
the topic for an answer. Here is what I got ffrom WikiAnswer.
It doesn't! The Earth is too massive to slow down.
People starting such hoaxes should be sentenced by international court and jailed!
The further north you go, the longer the days. This may be true near the arctic circle, but not for the US, other than Alaska. And it certainly does not happen just over two to three days. Arctic days and nights are gradual things, lengthening and shortening over the course of a year. For it to happen just for the day, the Earth would need to slow down its rate of spin. Not possible for a body as massive as the Earth, without destroying itself as the energy from angular momentum changes so abruptly. Clearly a ridiculous notion.
End of topic...nope i will not fwd the email. Like we always sing Que Sera ...Sera...whatever will
be will be....the future is not ours to see Que sera sera.....what will be will be.....As for my belief
God willing.
“Allah, tiada Tuhan (yang berhak disembah) melainkan Dia Yang Hidup Kekal lagi terus menerus mengurus (makhluq-Nya); tidak mengantuk dan tidak tidur. Kepunyaan-Nya apa yang ada di langit dan di bumi.” (QS. Al-Baqarah: 255)